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Common Issues

This section will try to help you debug and decipher common issues, warnings, and errors you might see while using SQForm.

Have a suggestion for a common error or warning you'd like to see in this section? Open an issue!


Warning: out-of-range value for the select component

The warning

Material-UI: You have provided an out-of-range value [someValue] for the select (name="[someName]") component

Potentially affected components: SQFormDropdown, SQFormMultiSelect

Most Likely Cause

This warning happens when the initialValue you provide to SQForm for component [someName] does not match one of the provided options to the dropdown component.

/* some component definition */

const initialValues = {
someName: 'someUnknownValue',

const SQFormDropdownOptions = [
{ label: 'someLabel', value: 'someValue' },
{ label: 'anotherLabel', value: 'anotherLabel' },

return (
onSubmit={() => {}}
<SQFormDropdown name="someName", label="Some Label">

This is causing a warning because the options provided to SQFormDropdown as children does not include an option that has the value someUnkownValue as used in our initialValues object.

Potential Fix

To fix this we would need to set our someName initialValue to an empty string, '', or one of the options defined in the SQFormDropdownOptions array.

const initialValues = {
someName: 'someValue',

Warning: A component is changing an uncontrolled input of type undefined to be controlled.

The warning

A component is changing an uncontrolled input of type text to be controlled. Input elements should not switch from uncontrolled to controlled (or vice versa). Decide between using a controlled or uncontrolled input element for the lifetime of the component. More info:

Potentially affected components: All components

Most Likely Cause

This warning happens when the initialValue for a particular form element is undefined.

/* some component definition */

const initialValues = {};

return (
onSubmit={() => {}}
<SQFormTextField name="someName", label="Text Label" />

This is causing a warning because the initialValues object does not contain a key of someName so that initialValues.someName is undefined.

Potential Fix

To fix this we would need to add the key someName to our initialValues and provided it a non-undefined value. If want an empty value us an empty string, ''.

Runtime Errors

TypeError: Cannot read property 'toLowerCase' of undefined

Potentially affected components: SQFormCheckboxGroup, SQFormDropdown, SQFormMultiSelect, SQFormRadioButtonGroup

Most Likely Cause

This runtime error usually occurs when the required prop label is not provided to the component.

Potential Fix

To fix this error we would need to provide a string to the label prop of the component. If you don't want to display a label you should pass an empty string ''.